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Limited to 99 Pieces

UNIMATIC and Massena LAB present the Modello Uno U1-SPG “NASA Artemis”, a limited edition of 99 pieces, celebrating NASA’s Artemis program and the future of space exploration.

Inspired by the Artemis Mission

Set to launch in April 2026, Artemis II will return humans to the Moon’s South Pole, paving the way for a permanent lunar base. The watch takes its name from Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, and Apollo’s twin sister, symbolizing the continuation of lunar exploration.

Space-Inspired Design

The matte black dial features hour plots, a vintage NASA “worm” emblem, and a 24-hour track coated in Old Radium Super-LumiNova®. The hour, minute, second, and GMT hands are also lumed, along with the 60-minute rotating bezel for superior legibility.

The burnt orange Cerakote-coated case mirrors NASA’s SLS rocket. Cerakote, a durable, anti-corrosive ceramic coating, is used in aerospace applications. A charcoal Cerakote bezel and crown add contrast to the design.

Retro-Futuristic Inspiration

William Massena recalls NASA’s golden era, when the Space Shuttle program and sci-fi classics like Star Wars fueled dreams of limitless innovation. Giovanni Moro, co-founder of UNIMATIC, adds that the design reflects 1960s retro-futurism, particularly influenced by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Technical Specifications

  • Case: 40mm stainless steel (41.5mm with bezel) with matte “Artemis” Cerakote coating
  • Crystal: 2.5mm AR-coated double-domed sapphire
  • Water Resistance: 300 meters
  • Engraving: NASA Artemis seal on caseback
  • Crown: 8mm screw-down “Alchemical Sun” crown

High-Performance Movement

  • Movement: Seiko NH34A automatic
  • Jewels: 21
  • Frequency: 21,600 vph
  • Power Reserve: 42 hours
  • Functions: Hours, minutes, central seconds, and GMT

Straps & Packaging

The watch comes with a 22mm orange nylon strap and an additional black nylon strap, both featuring a burnt orange Cerakote pin buckle signed UNIMATIC. It is packaged in a UNIMATIC x Massena LAB tough case, including a NASA velcro patch, warranty card, and unique ID seal.

Availability & Pricing

The UNIMATIC x Massena LAB U1-SPG “NASA Artemis” is available exclusively online through Massena LAB at an MSRP of $1,295.

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.