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Breitling Expands with the Acquisition of Gallet

Breitling has officially announced the acquisition of Gallet, a historic Swiss watch brand founded in 1826, setting the stage for its revival exactly two centuries later. This marks Breitling’s second major acquisition, following the 2023 purchase of Universal Genève, reinforcing its growing influence in the luxury watch sector. With a heritage in precision timekeeping for aviation, exploration, and racing, Gallet will now be positioned as a luxury entry-level brand under Breitling’s umbrella making them a multi branded entity.

A Strategic Move for Breitling

“This acquisition is a natural next step in Breitling’s expansion,” says Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling. “We are reviving Gallet with Breitling’s expertise and craftsmanship, relaunching it as a strong brand while honoring its legacy of adventure and chronographic innovation.”

Alfred Gantner, Co-Founder of Partners Group and Chairman of Breitling, echoes this confidence:
“Acquiring Gallet underscores our long-term strategy to expand Breitling’s market share in the luxury watch sector.”

Gallet’s Legacy: A Pioneer in Timekeeping and Aviation

Founded in La Chaux-de-Fonds in 1826 by Julien Gallet, the brand quickly gained recognition for its highly accurate timepieces, particularly in the fields of aviation, motorsports, and exploration. In 1856, Gallet expanded into the U.S. market, and by 1890, Jules Racine & Co. became its exclusive North American distributor.

One of Gallet’s most significant contributions to horology came in 1903, when it produced the stopwatch that timed the Wright brothers’ first powered flight. The Kitty Hawk Flyer’s historic 59-second flight covering 852 feet was measured using Gallet’s “The Sun” stopwatch, securing the brand’s place in aviation history.

Innovation and Expansion: Gallet’s Growth in the 20th Century

In 1907, Gallet acquired Société d’Horlogerie Electa, leading to a period of technological advancements, patents, and international recognition. By the 1920s, Gallet was established as a leading brand in precision timekeeping, focusing on its stronghold in the U.S. market while coordinating manufacturing and assembly in Switzerland.

The Quartz Crisis and Gallet’s Comeback

Like many Swiss watch brands, Gallet was heavily impacted by the quartz crisis of the 1970s and ‘80s, as well as the rising Swiss franc, causing it to fade into obscurity. Now, under the Breitling umbrella, Gallet is set for a long-awaited revival, reclaiming its place as a pioneer in Swiss watchmaking.

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.