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Geary Street Experiences A Historic Moment


On April 24, 2024, luxury watch brand,  A. Lange & Sohne Salon took a step forward with a launch of a NEW Salon on Geary Street in Union Square. This exquisite third-floor showroom provides watch enthusiasts in San Francisco a sophisticated space to experience A. Lange & Sohne timepieces in detail; marking an expansion in their presence there since 2002.

Integrating Tradition and Innovation.

The Bay Area, famed for its intellectual curiosity and innovative spirit, provides the ideal setting for A. Lange & Sohne’s rich tradition of watchmaking. Their new salon at 140 Geary Street’s historic Sachs Building represents their commitment to American clientele with discreet charm as well as space to showcase luxurious features associated with A. Lange & Sohne watches.

Design Philosophy: Combination of Elegance and Craftsmanship


Union Square is well known as San Francisco’s “urban room,” so the salon’s 1,539 square feet retail space reflects this with three lounges, a central community space, and a hospitality bar all designed to foster interaction and exploration. Every element in its interior from arched windows bringing natural light into the space to Lange’s “Experience Library” has been carefully considered in order to create an enjoyable customer journey; making each visit truly unforgettable for customers.

An Intimate Look into Haute Horology

At the center of this salon stands an outstanding LANGE 1 OUTSIZE DATE installation that highlights one of their significant contributions to contemporary watchmaking. A private viewing area and 98-inch HD home theatre provide guests an up-close glimpse into Lange movements’ intricate details and sophisticated mechanics; both elements combine to not only celebrate watchmaking’s art but also educate and inspire visitors.

Community and Collector Engagement

The Salon is much more than a retail space; it serves as an essential community gathering spot. Equipped with a communal table, enthusiasts are invited to gather for presentations, special events featuring Lange watchmakers, insightful discussions and to deepen their collective appreciation of German fine watchmaking.

Enthusiasts and Collectors Welcome

Wilhelm Schmid, CEO of A. Lange & Sohne, highlights their salon as a place for discovery and appreciation of their timepieces, remarking: “Nothing beats experiencing holding an A. Lange & Sohne watch in your hands!” Additionally, Rudy Chavez of A. Lange & Sohne Americas highlights their longstanding partnership with Northern California collector communities over nearly 30 years – sharing passions while discovering.

Visit the New Sanctuary of Fine Watchmaking

A. Lange & Sohne San Francisco Salon is now open to the public and welcomes watch enthusiasts as well as new enthusiasts to discover exceptional timekeeping.

Location: 140 Geary Street, Third Floor San Francisco CA 94108

Hours of Operation: Wentworth’s is open Monday-Saturday between 10:00am and 5.00pm for business operations.

Contact: T: +1-415-228-9915 (initial call only), (Email is also acceptable) (send mail).

Take the chance to discover luxury watchmaking like never before right here in San Francisco. Don’t miss this incredible experience.

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.