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A Legacy Reimagined

In 1972, King Seiko launched the VANAC series, a collection celebrated for its vibrant colors, bold multifaceted designs, and advanced craftsmanship. Now, in July 2025, the VANAC makes its highly anticipated return, honoring the spirit of the original while incorporating modern innovation and refined sophistication.

Inspired by the Tokyo horizon, a cityscape that transforms beautifully throughout the day, the new VANAC collection reflects Seiko’s rich heritage and forward-thinking design philosophy.

A Bold, Elegant Case Design

The new VANAC case blends sharp angular lines with refined elegance, appearing as if carved from solid metal. Its bezel-less construction gives it a sleek, thin profile, ensuring a striking yet comfortable presence on the wrist. The distortion-free mirror finish, achieved through advanced polishing techniques, enhances depth and refinement, creating dynamic shadows and highlights that bring the watch to life.

A Dial Inspired by the Tokyo Horizon


The dial’s horizontal stripe pattern adds texture and depth, with indexes set in a dedicated ring for enhanced legibility and visual appeal. A “V”-shaped 12 o’clock index and seconds hand counterweight symbolize the VANAC’s identity. The collection includes three core colors—purple, navy, and silver—each inspired by a different phase of Tokyo’s skyline: twilight, midnight, and sunrise, with dynamic color shifts under light.

In addition to these, a limited edition of 700 pieces features a stunning gold dial, uniquely expressing the Tokyo sunrise theme. The Seiko logo on the dial and King Seiko emblem on the case back are also accented in gold, enhancing its luxurious and refined presence.

A Luxurious & Comfortable Bracelet

The newly developed bracelet is a fusion of mirror-polished and hairline-finished links, ensuring both refinement and comfort. Designed for a sophisticated look, it seamlessly integrates with the watch’s angular case, creating a cohesive and elegant aesthetic.

A Historic First: See-Through Case Back

For the first time in King Seiko’s history, the VANAC features a sapphire see-through case back, allowing a glimpse into Seiko’s signature craftsmanship. The King Seiko “shield” emblem is elegantly engraved, marking the brand’s legacy while displaying one of Seiko’s most precise mechanical movements in production.

Precision Meets Performance: Caliber 8L45

The new VANAC collection is powered by Seiko’s Caliber 8L45, delivering exceptional mechanical performance. With a 72-hour power reserve achieved through an improved mainspring, the movement maintains an accuracy of +10 to -5 seconds per day. Designed for durability, it has the robustness required for modern sports watches. The rotor and bridges feature wave-pattern finishing, adding a touch of refinement to this high-performance movement.

At the end of the day…

There’s no denying how impressive this watch is, but the $3,300 price tag feels a bit steep given the competition from brands like Tissot, Christopher Ward, and others that offer similar attention to detail at a fraction of the cost. While they may not feature a beautifully finished in-house movement, they still deliver strong craftsmanship and value. That said, this watch’s uniqueness, rich history, and limited availability will undoubtedly make it a desirable piece that finds success among collectors and enthusiasts alike. 

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.