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Eric Wind of Wind Vintage


When it comes to watches, I’ve always been a huge fan of vintage pieces, although I’ve been hesitant to fully explore this vast and intricate world. Unlike new watches purchased from authorized dealers, buying vintage comes with its own set of challenges and uncertainties. Questions like, “Is the watch authentic?”, “Where is it coming from?”, and “How do you get it serviced if parts are no longer available?” are just the tip of the iceberg.

This is why it’s more crucial than ever to work with a true expert who has a trained eye and a sterling reputation. Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the world’s foremost authorities on vintage watches, Eric Wind of Wind Vintage.

In our conversation, Eric shared his fascinating journey into the watch world, including the pivotal writing piece that jumpstarted his career at Christie’s, his transition to building his own platform, and his success in offering some of the finest vintage and new watches available today. We also dive into much more, HERE.

Due to the unpredictable and volatile market on certain Rolex, Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet watches, prices are subject to change.